America Got Talent (for ignoring things)

It is so sad and pathetic that some people walk around everyday in their small minds ignoring all of the issues that are really important. Speaking of small, I once lived in a small town, Columbia, P.A. And the racism was not a secret. There were certain bars we could not go in. People would drive by and yell out “niggers!” This was in the year of 1997. You can feel the tension in the air in a diner, in a store, walking down the street. Being harassed by police officers was normal to me and my friends. A couple of people who were really close to me, including my brother Micheal, were murdered either in police custody, or just by racist people who live in the town or surrounding towns.

I am from The Bronx. I am not going to say racism does not exist in New York City, however it is rarely verbalized openly. What I guess I am trying to say is, you have a better chance of exercising your civil rights in New York City. You as a so called minority, has a better chance at life period in a city, verses a small town. Some NYPD officers are ignorant and racist, but they are light work in comparison to small town racist police officers in Columbia, P.A.

This particular entry is not about the police. It is about the civilians who live in Columbia. Why do they feel comfortable living and raising their children and grandchildren in a town that kills people simply because of race? I think they must approve of this behavior. They must stand in solidarity. How can serial killing go un-challenged? Why look the other way? Why do they feel safe? Why do they believe they will not be, or can not be affected by these horrible actions?

It is ironic because my brother fell in love with a white girl. She fell in love too. I would say she was one of the most prettiest girls in the town. She became pregnant, and they had a son. Some time after that my brother was chased by police officers who were off duty but supposedly working on some special drug task force. A couple of days later my brother’s body was found floating in the Susquehanna river in the next town over called Middletown.

The point is; who gets hurt? An innocent child, a mother, a father, sisters, brothers….families. My nephew is half white. So the white side of the family is hurt too. What war is this? What are white people killing for? What is to be the goal? What are the white people fighting for, is it land, power, control, the whole freggin earth? I need the good white people to stand up and become brave, you are watching, but not seeing. Hearing but not listening. YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY COLUMBIA P.A.

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